Sunday, September 14, 2008

Labor Day vacation...

Hi everybody I hope you all had a good Labor Day. We had a really fun Labor Day. We got to take a trip to Mississippi to see G-ma, Papa, Aunt Beth, and Uncle Joe. We also got to see our family from Florida who came to have their baby dedicated. It was really nice to get to be with family over the holiday and to be there for that special day. It was exactly one year ago that we were there for our baby's dedication so it was really special. We were also there for hurricane Gustav, but we were lucky and only got rain and wind nothing really bad. T thought the rain was really cool, he kept wanting to go outside even when it was pouring. T did good on the airplanes too. He actually fell asleep on one of the legs home which was a huge surprise since he NEVER falls asleep in my arms anymore. I really enjoyed it because I got to hold him like my baby again(I know I'm crazy!).
Well here are some pics for you to enjoy from the trip!!!

Here are some funny videos from vacation!!

Our first Zoo trip!!!

Well we finally had our first zoo trip. It was back at the end of August when we had to go because the koala bears were going to be leaving right after labor day. We couldn't miss them or I should say that I couldn't miss them haha!! T enjoyed it too even though it was one of the hottest days of the month (93). He really liked the water park that they have. He ran all over it just laughing up a storm. Hopefully we'll get to go again before it gets too cold. Here is a slideshow with some pics from the fun day!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

"And He's Off"

T finally took off on his own and started walking on 8/7/08. We were so excited!!! I was super excited when I came home from work the next night and he walked to me :)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mowing the grass (carpet)!!

I got this lawn mower from Mommy and Daddy for my birthday. Now I'm learning to walk even better with it (until I run into things because I can't turn around yet!!)

My first few steps!!

Here I am trying to take a few steps with my golf club.

Sorry I'm sideways.

Me and My Cakes!!

Here are my two cakes that mommy and grandma made for me. Mommy and Daddy let me dig into my own cake, but I wasn't to sure about it. I was a little shy too because everyone was watching me.

My First Birthday!!!

Today I had my very first birthday party!!! I had a lot of fun and I loved opening all of my presents. My favorite part was all the cards though hehe!! Thank you everybody for all my wonderful gifts I'm really enjoying them all.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My First Molar!!!

I got my first molar on July 9!!! It hurt more than the others did, but now I can almost eat steak HAHA!! I'll definitely be able to handle my birthday cake on Saturday YEAH!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Keeping in touch

Hi everybody I found this cool blog site and thought I would try it out so that we can all keep in touch easier. Things are going good with all of us here. T will be 1 on the 18th of this month. I can't believe it has been a year already. I have put a few pics on here to show you all how much he has grown this year. I will be updating often so keep checking back!!

T when he was born
T at 3 months
T at 6 months
T at 9 months
T 2 weeks shy of his first birthday