Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Keeping in touch

Hi everybody I found this cool blog site and thought I would try it out so that we can all keep in touch easier. Things are going good with all of us here. T will be 1 on the 18th of this month. I can't believe it has been a year already. I have put a few pics on here to show you all how much he has grown this year. I will be updating often so keep checking back!!

T when he was born
T at 3 months
T at 6 months
T at 9 months
T 2 weeks shy of his first birthday


Unknown said...

Hi Amy glad to see the pictures of the baby, can't believe he is going be one already....Wendy is doing great made the honor roll all year and only missed 1 day of school and it wasnt' cause she was sick..She played soft ball this year and is still swimming.Jeff and I just had our 10th year annivsary hard to believe. Hope all is well with you and TJ. Wendy misses talking to you on the phone and I need to start calling you more, we use to talk at least twice a month..she just pulled out a baby tooth. How many teeth does T have? He sure is a cutie pie...do you have a myspace? Well have a good week and talk soon.
Love the McQueen family

Sheryl said...

Hi Amy,
What a precious baby boy you have!!I can't believe he is going to be "1" already.We will be chicago the weekend of his party but will get down to see you soon.
Think about you often. So many things going on the last 6 months. Jack had open heart surgery in April and just went back to work this week, then his Dad passed away and I'm sure you know about whats going on with my Mom.
We both are still just trying to cope with the loss of Lexi, we miss her so much sometimes it's just unbearable.The headstone on her grave will be put up in a couple of weeks, her birthday would have been the 14th of this month and we were hoping to have it up by then. We will take some birthday ballons out to her gravesite.
You have a wonderful little family and "T" is just adorable.
Take care.
Love you, Sheryl